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Community Bridge

Sep 24, 2022

There are times in life that can bring immense hurt, leaving the individual yearning for something to relieve the trauma.  Drs. Tim and Nikki Allen, Allen Family Medicine, talk about overcoming addictions and mental health struggles through the power of Jesus Christ.

Sep 17, 2022

Homelessness impacts every community in America.  Eluvial Enterprise President, Dabrielle Goodwin, discusses simple, creative solutions to address this growing concern of homelessness.

Sep 10, 2022

“To have and to hold” - spoken between a man and woman professing their love for one another in marriage. Bob Lepine, Pastor and Truth for Life Announcer, shares how you can have and stand for a marriage that honors God.

Sep 3, 2022

Are your children prepared to overcome the challenging times in life?  Lori Wildenberg with 1 Corinthians 13 Parenting Ministry talks about helping youth overcome anxiety, depression, or suicidal ideation.