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Community Bridge

Apr 27, 2023

Every good parent wants their child to thrive. God wants that, too! But how? Some situations are more challenging than others. Perhaps you’re a single parent—or maybe you know a single parent. Help is hope. Finding help on your parenting journey from God and His people is key. Today, Jenny Burkhiser discusses the...

Apr 22, 2023

Can you disagree with someone, but still speak to them with kindness? How can you engage others with the love of Jesus?  Learn how as Jenny Burkhiser speaks with Shaunti Feldhahn; author, national social researcher, and speaker; about how you can discuss any topic with biblical kindness--and take the 30 day...

Apr 15, 2023

Inflation has hit a 40-year high. Are you faced with tough budget decisions? Perhaps you or someone you know is considering cutting medical care at the expense of their health. Today, Jenny Burkhiser talks with Anthony Hopp, Chief Purpose Officer of Samaritan Ministries, about how health care sharing ministries can help...

Apr 8, 2023

Passover is a celebration of God’s deliverance of the ancient Hebrews in Egypt! The blood of a lamb was placed on the doorposts and frames of their homes, and the Lord's judgement of death passed them over.

Today, Jenny Burkhiser talks with Reverend Malcom Hedding, former executive director of the...

Apr 1, 2023

You can share the Gospel with children at your local public school through a Good News Club! Learn more as Jenny Burkhiser talks with Lydia Kaiser, Communications Specialist with Child Evangelism Fellowship, about effectively sharing your faith and values with children after school - especially those who are dealing...